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Ding Sanchuan
待雏凤 Bamboo
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待雏凤 2016年创作于云南。 竹子作为中国花鸟画的传统题材,自古被赋予了虚心,高洁,不争等等文人所推崇的高尚品格。 历代表现竹子的经典造型不胜枚举。本幅作品意在将双勾法度与细笔篆书法度相结合,旁参宋代院体画鸟,力求探索出一种新的以线造型艺术语言。 Bamboo 2016 created in Yunnan. As the traditional theme of Chinese painting, the bamboo was given the modesty, noble, indisputable ,these are what Chinese ancients rewarded. There are countless classic shapes of bamboo in the history.This piece of work combines the line drawing and the seal script.At the same time ,it references the Painting of Royal Style in Song Dynasty . By doing this,I try to explore a new artistic language in line.
Release Time: 2017-03-01